Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Protecting my poblano

My poblano plants have grown so tall, well over the support of the cages we have in place for support of those heavy branches. One branch is so heavy, it leans against the metal of the cage, and it is continually being rubbed. I saw the branch getting worn through, and I was getting concerned that it just might break soon, especially if we get any substantial winds. So my husband went out and attached some heavy dark grey foam he had with some cable ties to the top of the cage where the branch was in danger of breaking. It looks real good for protecting the branch. Now the one thing that concerns me this morning, is I saw around 6 pepper flowers had fallen off. Not good. My husband had put fresh new soil around these plants last night. I hope that wasn't a mistake. I can't imagine that it was. Again, we shall see.

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