Thursday, August 28, 2008


Who would have thought, that the herb which was supposed to be the easiest to grow, turned out to be so hard to cultivate. I originally didn't do my homework at the beginning of the summer. I just bought two grown plants from the nursery and stuck them in the ground. They took off like lightening! I thought you could just take cuttings off and it will grow back, like any other herb like basil, chives, etc... It wasn't the case. The whole plant goes to seed, and you have to replant every few weeks. I bought some seeds but they didn't really come up until 6 weeks later. It's only supposed to take 7-14 days. I don't even know if it was the old seeds or some of the seed I took from the plant I had originally planted. But 4 little cilantro's sprouted. I placed them into my garden. Overnight, one cilantro disappeared, another was chewed down, but you could still see some of it. After all that, all 3 surviving plants are starting to grow! Cilantro, one of my favorite herbs!

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