Friday, August 15, 2008

Garden Musings

As I wait for my tomatoes and peppers to ripen, I have to think what to do next. I finally have two cilantro seeds that did come up. They are in a pot on my deck. They are still tiny, so I'll wait and see how big they get before putting them into the ground. I thought it was supposed to be really easy to grow cilantro, and you need to reseed every two weeks. It's taken well over a month to get even this cilantro. Well, I did save some of the seed that my old cilantro plant gave off, and we'll see next year how that turns out. Hopefully better than those seed packets. I did have extra seeds for jalapenos that I threw in a trough on my deck. They did come up nicely, and they are starting to flower. I should get them into the garden this weekend. For some reason, half of my large rosemary plant died - right up the middle. My thyme, oregano, chives, sage, marjoram, tarragon, and basil are doing well. The rosemary plant half dying, is a mystery. The rest of it still looks good though. Hopefully it can be saved. Speaking of seeds, I have been saving some of my pepper seeds from the peppers that I've picked. Hopefully they will come up next year too, without having to buy any. Anyway, just watching my garden grow...

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